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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the changes happening?Starting January 1, 2024, Innate Wellness and Medical Center will be transitioning to a subscription based model of care.
Is the entire practice moving to a subscription model?Yes, however, there will be limited amount of appointment available for non-members who will continue to receive IV treatments and other services at the practice.
Is the practice closing or moving?No. The practice will continue at its current location with the current group of providers that you know and appreciate and will continue to be under the management of Dr. Gemie McLeod
How does the subscription program work?The Subscription based model allows the Innate Wellness Team to focus on the needs of their patients and become their partner for all of their health and wellness needs. Patients that wish to remain under their care will subscribe to the plan for a monthly or annual fee.
How do I benefit from joining this plan?In return for your enrollment to the Innate Wellness Program you will be receiving many benefits, including: Convenient Appointment Times. Due to our lower patient panel size and detachment from healthcare insurance plan restrictions, you will experience rapid scheduling and office visits unhurried by plan requirements. Complete health perspective. Your Doctor now has the ability to work closely with you throughout the entire course of any health issues, including: follow up with your specialists, discussing results from tests or diagnostic procedures, reviewing additional treatment options, admissions to the hospital for a surgical procedure, and more. More convenient direct contact: Our ongoing routine exams support communications will provide you 24/7 immediate care communication connection all year. You can contact your doctor directly via phone, or secure text, and your doctor will respond promptly.
How did you come up with the pricing?Our programs were designed to support our patients in receiving the care they deserve based upon their medical needs. Curious baout what level of care is right for you, please take our health assessment quiz to find out which plan is right for you.
I can’t afford to pay the fee, what should I do?We offer several different payment options; our Team can speak with you personally to find a solution that fits your needs. For those patients who are not interested in investing in this higher-focused care model, we understand and thank you for trusting us with your care all these years. Please let our team know by calling 928-379-6400 or email us at, as we want to ensure everyone is cared for during our transition.
What if I decide, in several months, that I don’t want to stick with the program? What happens next?Given the demand, it’ s smart to sign up now. If, after a period of time, you decide the program isn’t right for you, you can terminate with a 30 day written notice anytime after the first 90 days of membership. However, we are asking our patients to commit to a minimum of 12 months.
I don’t want to join this program. I need to find another doctor. Can you help me?For those patients who are not interested in investing in this higher-focused care model, we understand and thank you for trusting us with your care all these years. We will attempt to transition your care from Innate Wellness and Medical Center to other area medical provider. Please let our team know by calling 928-379-6400 or email us at, as we want to ensure everyone is cared for during our transition.Contact us at, for that list.
When do I pay the subscription fee?We offer two payment options: monthly or annually. You will not be charged until your program begins. Fees are charged on the 1st or 15th of each month should you elect to pay monthly. Our new subscription program will launch on January 1, 2024.
How many patients is my doctor planning to take on with this high care model?The Innate Wellness Team members are caring for over 1,500 patients currently. We anticipate each provider will have no more than a few hundred patients enrolled in each of their respective patient panels. Your Provider is committed to limiting the total size of the practice, so that patient are able to enjoy the benefits of the program. It’ s another reason why you should sign up quickly, as the doctor is accepting patients on a first-come/first serve basis.
Are there rules and restrictions about contacting the care team?One of the great benefits of this program is that it’ s actually much easier to connect with your doctor- especially in the manner that you prefer – by text, video, in person, phone, or patient portal. Your provider will be available after hours or on weekends for urgent or emergency situations. All other inquiries would be responded to on the next business day. At this time we are not offering home visits to our patients. Additionally, our providers do not provide any services at the hospital.
If too many patients sign up for the membership, how will my doctor care for everyone?Your doctor is committed to limiting the total size of the practice, so that patients are able to enjoy the benefits of the program. It’ s another reason why you should sign up quickly, as the doctor is accepting program applications on a first-come/first serve basis.
What happens when my doctor goes on vacation?Your doctor will have on-call coverage with another Practitioner, so that if an urgent need arises, you’ll still get the care you need. You will be notified in advance of any travel plans or time away from the office.
Do you accept/bill insurance?At this time, insurance companies do not contract with Naturopathic physicians. This will likely change in the near future, but currently we must collect payment at time of service directly from our patients. Payments can be made by cash, check or debit/credit cards (all major cards accepted). We will gladly provide you with an invoice that can be self-submitted to your insurance company, if you would like to attempt to have them reimburse you directly or apply that amount towards your deductible. Many of our patients have been successful in receiving partial reimbursement.
Are Naturopathic Medical Doctors real doctors?Our doctors are Naturopathic physicians and are licensed as primary care providers. They are trained to look at health conditions and diseases through a “non-conventional” lens. It is their intention as Naturopathic physicians to treat each person as a whole, rather than focusing on symptom management, and to use more natural treatment methods than pharmaceutical drugs (including dietary changes, lifestyle/habit changes, regenerative and oxygenation medicine, supplements, acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal medicine, hydrotherapy and more) whenever possible. However, they can and do write prescriptions for medications in situations that require that level of intervention.
Do you write prescriptions?We are experienced with prescribing medications as needed, however, we choose not prescribe medical marijuana or narcotic medications. Additionally, we do not prescribe anti-depressants, anxiolytics, or hypnotics/sleep aids for chronic or long-term use. If you are requiring the use of these medications for longer than an acute period of time (3 months or less), you will be referred back to your Primary Care Provider or out to a specialist who will then manage and monitor your use and/or tapering schedule of these medications. There are many legislative changes being made in the state of Arizona and several more to come regarding the prescribing, monitoring, and ongoing evaluation of these types of prescription medications. Due to the increased labor/time demands and issues related ongoing concern of abuse and/or dependency of such drugs, our physician will no longer prescribe them effective January 1, 2017. If you require chronic use of narcotics, our physician will refer you to a pain management specialist.
What happens when I need a specialist?First, you’ll see your primary care doctor to discuss your health issue (same as your current situation). If needed, your doctor will refer you to a specialist. What’ s different is that your doctor is able to remain actively involved in your health issue. The doctor can follow up with the specialist, is available to discuss your treatment options, and can work with you to schedule follow-up visits and/or coordinate discussions with the specialist. Having your primary care doctor, a trained clinician who knows your entire health situation in detail, at your side as an active advocate can be enormously comforting and helpful to you, as you make important medical decisions.
Do you make referrals to specialists?All referrals are handled by our physician. Sometimes this can be done on the same day as your appointment and sometimes it can take 5-7 days, depending on your case history, insurance and/or the urgency of your situation. Someone will contact you as soon as the referral has been sent. As a patient, it is your responsibility to ensure that your specialist is on your plan. Please understand that it can sometimes take weeks to months to get an appointment with a specialist. This is not something we have control over. See our Patient Policies for more information about practice standards
If I am admitted to the hospital or need care at the home will the Doctors do Hospital or home visits?No. The Doctors are not privileged for in-hospital care currently. When you are hospitalized the team of doctors that staff the hospital will be assigned to you by the hospital and they will directly manage your care during your stay. The doctors will work closely with the doctors caring for you in the hospital to ensure good continuity of your care in and out of the hospital, if needed they will make a special "friends and family" visit based upon their professional opinion. The doctors will not be offering home visits at this time. The Doctors will be able to provide video based visits while you are at home to efficiently address your issues as they come up.
Can you order blood work?Our doctors are experienced with ordering and evaluating regular blood work, as well as specialized and advanced laboratory examinations, and will do so for you when needed. All patients that are taking any prescription medication (hormone replacement therapy, thyroid replacement, hypertension, blood sugar regulation, etc), being treated for nutritional deficiency/imbalances, and those receiving intravenous chelation are REQUIRED to repeat labs as requested by the physician every 3-6 months. Failure to complete labs as requested will result in interruption of your care and timely refills of current prescriptions. Your timely compliance is necessary and appreciated. Some lab work can be completed in our office- urinalysis, pregnancy testing, and rapid strep swabs. These tests are generally performed by the medical assistants and based upon presenting symptoms during your appointment. Other lab work is sent out to a local labs (Vibrant, Sonora Quest, LabCorp, etc.) or specialty labs accordingly. Usually, all blood drawn in our office is completed by our phlebotomist or the physician.
Do you treat minors?Yes, we love working with children and teenagers! Patients under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult or have written permission, for treatment, from a parent or guardian before the time of the appointment.
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