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The combination of these ingredients provides relief from sinus symptoms/concerns, influenza, UTI infections, and colds.

It is best taken at first sign of illness throughout the duration (take 3-4 T/day in divided doses).

Ideally, it is prepared with fresh, organic ingredients and stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.

You can put it on a rice cracker, in salsa or hummus, mix in spaghetti sauce (best raw and not cooked), or eat it straight off the spoon in near proximity of food/drink due to strong flavor.


Tweak the recipe below to your liking.

Combine equal parts of the following:

  • White or yellow onion

  • Fresh garlic

  • Fresh horseradish root peeled and diced

  • Fresh ginger

Put all of the above into a food processor/blender and add a splash of raw apple cider vinegar to help with blending.

If desired, you can add cayenne powder, turmeric powder or root, and Manuka Honey.

Process to a smooth paste consistency, consume, and kill whatever critters ail you.

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